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Hypnotherapy Grantham

with Dr. Michael G Millett

Expand your mind, change your life with expert help !
Premium Hypnotherapy Service in Grantham at the ever popular Elevated Therapy practice with over 17 years in-house London Clinic Experience prior to coming to Grantham in 2011.

Hypnotherapy in Grantham and Newark

Established 1995 in London and now located in Grantham's Town Centre

Michael has spent well over twenty eight years as a hypnotherapist (fully qualified in 1995) and practitioner of complementary medicine in London and America, developing and refining techniques to produce quick positive change in your health and emotions.

He is now here in Grantham as a hypnotherapist Grantham for discerning clients serving Grantham, Nottingham, Derby, Newark, Stamford, Sleaford, Spalding, Boston, Melton Mowbray, Lincoln, Leicester, Peterborough, and of course London and the South-East!

Why would you come to Michael when there are very many other hypnotherapists you could choose from?

Firstly, Michael as a Grantham hypnotherapist is passionate about his work and helping people, and he’s been in practice a long time with a wide experience of a variety of problems and issues (some of them being complicated and challenging). His fees are similar or very often less than some other facilitators in Grantham itself, and the greater East Midlands area.
He has worked with so many different people adding to his experience, and has developed a high-level professional background with living and practicing in the centre of London in a very successful private practice, and also working in a variety of clinics there including Harley Street and the Replingham Clinic – London SW18 for so long for added experience – up until the end of 2011 before he relocated from London to Grantham to set up his Premium Hypnotherapy Practice in Grantham and bring his skills and experience with him.

Also he originally grew up in this area, and therefore has a strong connection, and understanding of the people of the East Midlands having being brought up in the City of Nottingham as a child, and teenager, and eventually returned to the area late in 2011 to bring all his skills, wisdom and professional expertise gained over the years back to the people here in the East Midlands of England.

He received most of his comprehensive training in the best schools in London over the years and also specialist training in the United States of America.

Michael is also an Approved and Accredited Hypnotherapy Supervisor in the UK for many years with the National Hypnotherapy Society where he is also a Fellow. It is the fastest growing professional organisation for practising hypnotherapists in the UK today. He also holds a Senior Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice too with The General Hypnotherapy Register, the largest professional registering organisation for practising hypnotherapists in the United Kingdom.

As a Hypnotherapy Supervisor, Michael supports regular continuing professional development for hypnotherapists which is a mandatory requirement for membership of the major hypnotherapy organisations and is generally regarded as essential to the provision of effective therapy.

Michael as a qualified and accredited clinical hypnotherapy supervisor gives feedback, appraisal and growth advice to other professional hypnotherapists in the local area such as Grantham, Newark, Mansfield, Nottingham, Leicester, Derby, Lincoln, Peterborough, and beyond.

Indeed, he supports and enables hypnotherapists from all parts of the UK and Ireland and sometimes from abroad to learn from their work, and by his own personal example in order that they may give better quality service to their clients.

In January 2007, Michael was included in the London Paper’s exhaustively researched list as a hypnotherapist and an alternative health expert and one of London`s Top 50 Wellbeing Gurus before he relocated to Grantham and the East Midlands in 2011.

Dr. Millett's best talent is unlocking and dealing with destructive subconscious states that lead to physical and emotional pain

His hypnotherapy worked so deeply and combined with such pragmatic advice, I've now mastered every area of my life

Holistic Hypnotherapy in Grantham

HOLISTIC HYPNOTHERAPY SESSIONS serving Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Lincoln, Stamford, Sleaford, Grantham, Newark, Rutland, Oakham, Peterborough, London and the South-East of England.

FREE 10 Minute Meditation & Confidence Now Audio

Some examples of practical uses of Holistic Hypnotherapy Sessions In Grantham:

  • Discovering Life Purpose: Many people in today’s society feel unfulfilled professionally and / or personally and want to move in a new direction that is more compatible with their feelings and true nature. It is possible to connect with those parts of ourselves that seek greater expression and to establish a more stimulating and rewarding direction for our lives and work with them.
  • Overeating and Addictions: Making the changes needed to reduce weight successfully and free ourselves from addictive behaviour often requires more than simple willpower, especially when the hidden motivations for the behaviour are locked in the unconscious. With hypnosis, we can understand the motivations, address them and free ourselves from them and establish a new healthful way of living.
  • Healing Childhood and Family Issues: Many difficulties in our daily lives are linked and triggered with unresolved issues from childhood. By bringing new light to these old patterns, we can resolve and heal them, freeing ourselves to focus more fully on our true purpose and to lift ourselves and find meaning and direction in our present lives.
  • Grief: The loss of a loved one is one of life’s most painful experiences. Months and even years may pass without coming to the acceptance and understanding that will allow us to move on with our lives. Uncovering our unconscious feelings and resolving our emotions can help to heal the wounds, bring a greater appreciation of the relationship we had and speed us on the road to balance and recovery.
  • Quieten Your Inner Critic: The private conversations you have with yourself can be either a powerful stepping stone or a major obstacle to reaching your goals. Often, those negative predictions can quickly turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Your thoughts greatly influence how you feel and behave which can cause negative self-talk to become self-destructive.
  • Performance: Our ability to succeed at work or at play may be sabotaged by hidden agendas and limitations which can be released and resolved including clearing our limiting beliefs to allow us to achieve our full potential in whatever activities we choose to undertake.
  • Mind-body Connections: There is a link between the mind and body, and in many cases, through the experience of illness or discomfort, our bodies are trying to tell us something or relay an important message to us. Discovering and understanding and acknowledging the message is an integral part of establishing more radiant health.
  • Relationships: Many of us have unconscious patterns that prevent us from benefiting fully from and enjoying the relationships we have, or, in some cases, prevent us from establishing meaningful relationships altogether. By uncovering these patterns and coming to a new understanding of them, we can allow ourselves to experience deeper and more lasting relationships in our lives with ourselves and others.
  • Male / Female Issues: Each of us has both a masculine and a feminine side that need to be in balance to experience life fully. In today’s society, it is a challenge to establish that balance and to allow both aspects their full expression, whether we are male or female, heterosexual, homosexual or transsexual. Balancing the male and female aspects of ourselves allows us to more fully experience our true identity and purpose in life without compromising our sexuality.
  • Personal and Spiritual Growth: Each person reaches a point in their growth where they want to participate consciously in awakening spiritually. Michael also as a fully trained and qualified metaphysician offers ways to contact the higher parts of ourselves and receive the guidance that can lead us on the path to enlightenment.

Basic Goals of the Holistic Hypnotherapy Sessions in Grantham

  • To clear blockages that are preventing your full expression on all levels – physical, emotional, mental, intuitive and spiritual.
  • To provide conscious connection with the truth that lies within you.
  • The self as a unified principle within the psyche.
  • To allow integration in a balanced way of this expanded awareness of who you truly are.

A series of hypnotherapy sessions is generally required to create the desired transformations and changes, allowing you to open to the greater awareness and new possibilities and expressions that are available.

Also a series of hypnotherapy sessions are recommended for in-depth work on specific issues at Hypnotherapy Grantham.


Michael regularly receives referrals from GPs. His NHS National Independent Provider Code: 8EV76.
The UK Department of Health recommends that clients who are seeking complementary healthcare therapists should choose a practitioner who is CNHC registered.
Dr. Michael is registered with the CNHC.

Treatment works better with a sociable and positive attitude, so Michael does whatever he can to make you feel welcome and helps you enjoy the whole experience towards the change you seek.

Michael is also a member of the NACHP.
The UK charity representing the interests of the general public and all three professions of clinical psychotherapy.

What Is Hypnosis?

Most people when asked if they have ever been hypnotised reply “No”, and are mistaken.

Everyone has and perhaps quite frequently been in a hypnotic state without realising it.

In childhood, daydreaming which is so real to the child that the dream or imagined situation takes the place of ordinary reality, is essentially self-hypnosis. In adult life, many people still daydream occasionally, and most people will have episodes of absent-mindedness or abstraction at times, in which they are, as we say, “in a world of their own”.

For instance, when driving down a familiar road, you may suddenly realise that you have travelled several miles without being able to remember details of that part of the journey.

However, while driving, you were perfectly competent, adjusting to road conditions, avoiding dogs and children, stopping at red lights and so on, and reached your destination safely.

Yet you realise that you have no memory at all of the last few miles and probably cannot remember what you were thinking about during that period.

Or at another time, you may be engrossed in watching a film on TV or reading a book, when someone asks you a question, and you answer them. Later perhaps, that answer you gave is mentioned again, you have absolutely no recollection of it. In these two states, much the same thing has happened as occurs in hypnosis. The consciousness of the individual concerned separates into two streams which are out of touch with each other.

You are actually conscious and aware of only one line of thought and action at this time, while the rest is being done at an unconscious level.

Ready to Talk?

Holistic Hypnotherapy from Grantham serving Nottingham, Melton Mowbray, Leicester, Lincoln, Stamford, Bourne, Sleaford, Grantham, Newark, Rutland, Oakham, and Peterborough.

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