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Heart Healing

Nottingham | Lincoln | Grantham


EMPOWERING YOUR HEART PROGRAMME through Energy Psychotherapy, “Next Generation” EFT, “Positive EFT”, Systemic Constellations, NLP and Spirituality from Elevated Therapy International serving London, Nottingham, Grantham, Newark, Sleaford, Melton Mowbray, Lincoln, Derby, Leicester, Stamford and Peterborough

An open heart can give and receive love without any constraint. 

After we experience heartache, resulting in the intense emotional stress or pain one feels at experiencing great and deep longing,
it is natural to respond with fear and apprehension about trusting and loving again. However, as the pain heals, the heart regains its strength and courage and opens once again. This cycle of heartache and healing continues until the heart opens fully and fearlessly.
An open heart can give and receive love without any constraint. This event is a process of the subtle, energy body as opposed to the physical body. 

We often associate the heart with romantic relationships, and love for others but “heart healing” is far beyond romance and others.
If you want to empower your heart, loving others is not enough – you need to evolve fearless self-love also.
People are not dying of heartache or heartbreak because they do not know how to love one another.
They are dying of heartache because they do not love themselves !

Would you like help and input and guidance in nurturing the most critical relationships in your life including with yourself ?
Are you looking to reconnect with love ?
Are you meeting your emotional needs? Are others ?
Do you have resistance to giving up the pain ?
Are you struggling with forgiving ?

Unleash the most powerful energy you have which is love in order to change your life !

Applying The Wisdom of Your Heart Through Commitment, Focus, Relinquishing Control, Giving up the Pain, Developing The Consciousness of Appreciation, Forgiveness Through Liberation, Retrieving Your Spirit Back From Your Past, Knowing That Which You Don`t Know That You Know, Thinking Love and Inviting Change Into Your Life

Dr. Millett`s cutting edge work for Heart Healing and Empowering Your Heart is about combining Inner Child EFT work to reclaim and champion your Inner Child plus…

Family Constellations (systemic), to reveal hidden and often damaging family dynamics on a behavioural, cognitive, energetic, spiritual, and neurological or chemical level.
There may be emotional or energetic dysfunctions passed on from one’s ancestors which can affect a person in many ways.
Heart Healing helps break destructive family patterns of unhappiness, illness, failure, and addiction.

Together with NLP Time Lines to create your future, blended with Positive EFT to help make you happier, healthier and more productive.

All to heal emotional traumas and eradicate unwanted thoughts, emotions and behaviours, and transform your life to achieve 
Heart Healing.

The fourth chakra is the centre of the human energy system and it`s highest aspect is `Balance`.
It`s purpose is emotional empowerment. This love centre of our human energy system is the focus in bringing about a healing of the heart.
Thus, the words “Love Heals All” has great truth.
The “wounded child” resides in the heart chakra.
Everything in and about our lives runs off the energy and fuel of our hearts.

Heart Healing with Michael serves London, Nottingham, Lincoln, Peterborough, Newark, Leicester, Derby and Grantham and throughout the East Midlands engages the higher state of consciousness and ancestral level offering a fused and truly dynamic set of tools that will dramatically add to therapeutic and spiritual effectiveness in eliminating negative emotions.

Initially Healing is achieved by using the body’s energy system to intervene in the structure of the thought field containing the problem and/or block(s) after asking certain questions and eliciting a certain focus.
Disturbances in the thought field and at the higher consciousness level contain active information which trigger and form a sequence of activities chemically, neurologically, cognitively, and spiritually which result in the experience of negative emotions such as emotional memories around relationships, controlling people and situations through your emotional wounds, not wanting to give up the pain, co-dependency, isolation, victimisation, trauma, fear, anxiety, exclusion and saying you no longer need an intimate relationship, and have difficulty in forgiving yourself and others.

For clients, the sequenced 1.5 hour sessions or 2 hour sessions begin with knowing and identifying your wounds and culminating in thinking love and inviting change into your life. This will help you move beyond your emotional pain and make peace with the self-healing aspects of your life with which you struggle.

We must also understand the deep interconnectedness of all things and everything is ENERGY.
When we understand this, we realise that in the end, we only hurt ourselves when we don`t live life in a way that nourishes and sustains the whole system.

With Dr. Michael G Millett in Grantham, you will achieve the emotional freedom you seek.
This work and approach designed and fused by Michael is to help you make peace first in your own heart, and then in the relationships of your past, present, and future as well as addressing unconscious family entanglements.
Events such as premature death of a parent or sibling, the isolation or exclusion of a family member, or victimisation of others by a family member through the generations can all lead to difficulties which shape one’s life and relationships in ways one may not even realise !

Severe consequences, such as feelings of isolation, lack of forgiveness, depression, mental and physical illness, accidents, and even suicidal thoughts, can result and have serious ramifications when such complexities are left unresolved.

With this programme , it is suggested to have a week to 10 days or two weeks in between each progressive session and the amount of sessions will vary from person to person as we are all individuals with varied history, dynamics and multiplicities.

Past Life Healing Grantham


The First Session.

As this is totally bespoke, and organic work helping the individual on many levels. The First Session is a fact-finding discussion and exploratory session focusing on your life today as well as childhood issues, and family dynamics, and your feelings about your future.
This allows for focus on the priorities for each particular person and helps devise the best way forward as in the areas to target, and what work and interventions to apply to create positive change in further work.

Telephone to make an appointment in Grantham or send Michael an email.

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