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About Dr. Michael

You can be assured of the quality of the counselling, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, healing, coaching and personal development and training you will be involved in with Michael and “Elevated Therapy”.
He is considered a leading authority on human behaviour and personal empowerment.

B.Msc, M.Msc, Ph.D,
Certified Counsellor, Psychotherapist, Senior Hypnotherapist & Supervisor, Reiki Master, Metaphysician, EFT Master Practitioner – Mentor & Trainer’s Trainer, NLP Practitioner,
Stress Management Consultant, Transpersonal Therapist, Holistic Life Coach,
Law of Attraction Coach (LOA), and Past Life Regression Therapist (Level One).
(UK & USA Qualifications)

Michael is respected internationally as a pre-eminent innovative hypnotherapist, metaphysician, healer, psychotherapist and life coach, and as an enlightened individual operating at a high vibrational and consciousness level who integrates the best in us with the demand to positively transform us by activating and working on levels of consciousness deep within our energy field in addition to our ‘normal’ waking consciousness to achieve this.

Dr. Michael Millett Elevated Therapy

Through his cross-disciplinary training, and research, he uses some of the most powerful and important inner healing and transformational therapeutic practices and techniques in the world today for healing the body, mind, and spirit.

As a gifted educator, he is often called `the therapist`s therapist` and has a natural way of gaining rapport with people in conversation and, through empathy, respect, and love for his work and people, and by functioning at extraordinary depth – he can help people make a difference that makes the difference !

A World Top Therapist in the field of hypnosis

He is acknowledged by many people and the international media as one of the top professional therapists in the field of hypnosis and mind-body-spiritual medicine operating today in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland (Éire) through integrative psychotherapy (mixed model) and working clinically, psychodynamically and spiritually when appropriate to support and assist people in all areas of their life, showing people how to get past their issues, develop their potential, clarify their life and career and spiritual direction in order to live more inspired and fulfilled lives.

Michael comes from an Anglo-Irish background (Angla-Éireannach) on his father’s side stemming from British Aristocracy (successors of the English Protestant Ascendancy in Ireland which traces back to 1066 and William the Conqueror – the name MILLETT).
Michael is a huge enthusiast of British and Irish History, and does not hold any particular political views. It is what it is !
As a confirmed Historian, he is concerned with the continuous, methodical narrative and research of past events as relating to the British and Irish peoples as well as the study of all history in time. 

Coming up to the present, Michael’s Dad met his Mum in London W1 , and Michael was born in Kensington / Chelsea, London SW10 as the first child in their marriage on a very early Sunday mid-September morning to these wonderful Irish parents from County Galway (Mum) and County Tipperary (Dad), and Michael spent his informative years in the City of Nottingham when as a family they moved from Parson’s Green in London to Nottingham a few years after Michael was born.  He actually remembers the journey from London to Nottingham driving in the pouring rain on a winter’s evening as a very young child of 3 years old.

Dr Michael

Some years later after that, and after spending a number of his teenage years in County Tipperary and Dublin, Michael returned to London where he lived in North-West London for more than 26 years. Initially training, and subsequently working in London as a therapist and also in the USA.
In January 2007, Michael was included in the London Paper’s exhaustively researched list as a hypnotherapist and an alternative health expert and one of London`s Top 50 Wellbeing Gurus.

Michael G Millett Ph.D., continues to transform our understanding of the meaning of health through his eclectic style, and by absorbing new ideas through a process of osmosis where he works fluently and elegantly with the communication between the unconscious mind, and the human vibrational matrix. Understanding and practicing principles from Ericksonian (inducing conversational trance) and indirect hypnosis, he considerably enhances the delivery of his guidance and any intervention (treatment).

Michael uses metaphor, surprise, confusion, humour, kinesics and paralinguistics (body language), and key language patterns which maximizes the effectiveness of the tools of therapy and personal development, increasing the ability to communicate verbally – and, as you will discern, more importantly – non verbally.

He works through a new life-giving paradigm combining major work and insights from psychology, holistic healthcare and spiritual wisdom, ones which encompass the fundamental principle that perfect health and human potential is more than just the absence of disease or emotional, fears or spiritual blocks.

Michael as a holist and fluent in healing, envisions a healing and developmental system based upon the premise that health and `human potential` are a lively state of balance and integration of body, mind and spirit.

He works through clinical, psychodynamic, person-centred, integrative, humanistic, eclectic, energy-based, solution-focused and transpersonal ways of application.

He continues to chart new pathways to unleash the potential for optimum health and possibility for achievement in us all by bridging modern mind technologies with old and forgotten wisdom and ways of being.

Indeed, as a high intuitive, his unique abilities enable him to treat on many levels simultaneously.

In 1995, Michael successfully established his own distinct and sui generis private practice in the heart of London.

Elevated Therapy International

Elevated Therapy International ® – has been for so many years – one of the most respected coaching practices in the United Kingdom and Ireland for therapy, healing, hypnosis, change-work, personal development and training for all discerning clientele who want to reach their full potential.

Michael’s successful practice started in London in 1995, and he relocated to Grantham in Lincolnshire in November, 2011 – directly bringing his experience and expertise `locally` to the people of Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire, Derbyshire, Rutland, Leicestershire and Cambridgeshire for the first time.

He sees clients for counselling, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, coaching, energy therapy, healing and transpersonal and metaphysical therapy (many of them therapists themselves) and also conducts trainings and personal development days in Grantham for clients and other therapists and medical personnel from all around the world.

Michael still sees many old and lots of new clients from London and the South-East who travel up to see him in Grantham.

Many people come to see him from Ireland and mainland Europe too.

He also has a large International Clientele primarily from the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand via telephone and through the internet with Skype with his work online with people.

Apart from all his work, investigation, researching `human potential`, and human energy fields, and continued assimilation of healing and developmental processes, Michael is an innovator and a vanguard of free thought and freedom of expression too. He believes firmly in this !

Welcome to Elevated Therapy – It is Michael’s sincere hope that you find this website and his services on-line and in person helpful to you on your personal journey.
There are many mysteries along the way and many wonders.
However, the common themes of love, light and universal healing seem to be all-pervasive and `elevated`.

Michael offers a professional, friendly, relaxed and caring environment. Everything is discussed in an understanding and non-judgemental setting and all things are treated in the strictest of confidence.

Michael looks forward to meeting and working with you to help you overcome your challenges, and achieve your goals to get you to where you want to be.

‘It is worth saying in closing this page that there is often some confusion about `therapy`. The general idea is that you only need therapy only if you are psychologically ill in some way – if you have a psychological condition or a specific issue that more or less incapacitates you in some way a serious illness or the flu does physically. For many this is true for sure. However, when you go to a therapist / healer you are asking for support or assistance. You may not be aware that this puts you in a state of humility – which allows you to be teachable. When you are teachable, you are ready to learn and grow ! Many do not need `therapy` in the normal sense. Their aim is wider: they are seeking enlightenment – to `know themselves` and gain a greater understanding of the fundamental factors and components of their belief systems which will provide them with a more holistic viewpoint as they take a more active part in their solution and ultimately their evolution. My function as a therapist and educator is to be a catalyst (a catalyst is an agent that effects change without becoming involved itself), that is available for people while they understand, enlighten and heal themselves.’
Michael G Millett

Qualifications directly related to
Therapy, Coaching, and Healing

Memberships / Professional Bodies / 

  • Diploma with credits in Counselling, Clinical Hypnotherapy, and Psychotherapy.
  • Diploma in Counselling, Hypnosis, NLP and Psychotherapy.
  • Diploma in Holistic Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy.
  • Practitioner of NLP through International Teaching Seminars (ITS) (Ian McDermott).
  • Gold Counselling with Georges Philips – identifying, isolating and dealing with beliefs that may be creating difficulty.
  • Batchelor of Metaphysical Science, B. Msc (University of Metaphysics, USA).
  • Accreditation in Transpersonal Hypnosis & Healing (London).
  • 2 Accreditations in Past Life Regression & Healing (USA and UK).
  • Accredited by the UK National Regulatory Register for Hypnotherapy.
  • Practitioner Diploma in Metaphysics (USA).
  • Certification as a Meridian Energy Therapies Practitioner.
  • EFT Master Practitioner.
  • Meridian & Energy Therapy Advanced Practitioner, including EFT Practitioner Level 3.
  • Positive EFT Practitioner.
  • Energy EFT Master Practitioner.
  • Certification Modern Stress Management.
  • Certification as a Licensed Trainer`s Trainer of Meridian Therapies.
  • Accredited Supervisor with the National Hypnotherapy Society.
  • Certificate of Mastery as a Reiki Master and Seichim Master.
  • Master of Metaphysical Science, M. Msc (University of Metaphysics, USA).
    Thesis: “Reviving Celtic History, Philosophy, Cosmology and Ontology For A Better World”.
  • Ph.D in Holistic Life Coaching (University of Sedona, USA).
    Dissertation: “The Dilemma for Integrative Holistic Psychotherapy with Heart & Soul versus the Psychological Medical Model and a Possible Way Forward”.
  • National Council for Hypnotherapy.
  • National Association of Counsellors, Hypnotherapists & Psychotherapists. GOLD Member No: 023/95008
  • The General Hypnotherapy Register (SQHP). Senior Qualification
  • Registered Hypnotherapist UKCHO.
  • Level One Practitioner with the Association for Regression Research and Therapies IARRT based in the USA.
  • Professional Member of the Association of Humanistic Psychology in the USA.
  • The Past Life Therapists Association (UK).
  • Approved EFT Mentor with the AMT / GOE.
  • Registered Therapist with Brent and Harrow Borough Councils (London).
  • NHS and BUPA (EAP Services) Registered.
  • Non-NHS Provider Code Register: No: 8EV76
  • Advanced Practitioner and Trainer with the Association For Meridian Therapies AMT / GOE.
  • Certified Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming approved by The Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming USA and Association of NLP (UK).
  • Fellow of and Supervisor with the National Hypnotherapy Society (UK).
  • Life Member of the Hypnothink Foundation – Ursula Markham, a well-known hypnotherapist and author.
  • Professional Fellowship with The Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (The Counselling Society) 2003.
  • Registered with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) No: CNHC01711
  • Approved by the PSA (Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care).
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